Introducing the Project

At the crossroads of the global space community, the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is well-placed to bring together both public and private stakeholders to combat the threats to our long-term future in space. UNOOSA is doing so through the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (the LTS Guidelines), adopted by the Committee in 2019. The LTS Guidelines guide all space actors to make their space operations sustainable and thus protect our shared orbital space environment. There are 21 Guidelines are grouped into 4 Sections:

​A) Policy and regulatory framework ​


B) Safety of space operations
Sustainable spacecraft design 


C) International cooperation, capacity building and awareness


D) Scientific and technical research and development 

The Awareness-raising and capacity-building related to the implementation of the LTS Guidelines Project seeks to raise global awareness on the importance of space sustainability and the LTS Guidelines and to foster related capacity-building services for emerging space-faring nations.

Space sustainability in context

Space science and space applications advance our knowledge of the universe. They also improve the daily lives of people worldwide through their contributions to, among other things, environmental monitoring, management of natural resources, meteorological forecasting, climate modeling, satellite navigation, communications, and early warning systems to help mitigate potential disasters. ​

Space may seem vast, but the orbits around Earth in which satellites reside are a limited natural resource.​ At the same time, global space activities are booming. In 2022 the world registered 2,470 new satellites and other space objects with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). This is more than 15% of all objects - ever registered - with the United Nations since the beginning of the Space Age in 1957. Over 80 countries are now conducting space activities. ​

It is not only the emerging number of space activities but the proliferation of space debris; the increasing complexity of space operations; the emergence of large constellations; and the increased risks of collision and interference with the operation of space objects have been recognized by the global space community as crucial factors that may affect the long-term sustainability of space activities. ​

If the international community wishes to increase access to the benefits of current space applications, and develop new technologies which may offer further benefits, there is a need to preserve and protect the outer space environment for use by future generations. Space activities need to be sustainable over the long term. ​ 

Addressing these developments and risks requires international cooperation by State, international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental entities to avoid harm to the space environment and the safety of space operations. ​

The long-term sustainability of outer space activities has been and continues to be, a top area of focus for the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).